Disculpame por favor! I know I haven't written or posted pictures in a really long time, but my access to internet plus my limited time with electricity has made it difficult to upload pictures or spend time writing. But now I'm in the Tegucigalpa office trying to write a grant (bringing a solar panel to the schools of two communities so we can later get computers) and am doing this while my partner adds up some figures.
So here are some photos of my life, some still in training and others as an official volunteer.
This is me (clearly) during training showing off the "fogone" (a wood burning stove made out of adobe) that we made for a family in Moroceli. We all got muddy but it was fun and cool to see how they are constructed, seeing how that's what my family uses all the time to cook.
My friend Liz and I holding up a banner we made for the Sept. 15th (Independence Day) parade in which we marched. It was a little awkward but fun to see the festivities (unfortunately being in the parade didn't allow me to take pics).
A view out of the window of my house in El Suyate. That's the burro that would brey every morning around three am-it was awesome. That's also my laundry drying on the barb wire fence-no wonder clothes fall apart a little quicker here!
This is the PAM (Protected Areas Management) team! Yes we all got matching t-shirts! The woman on the bottom left is my project manager who is awesome!
Another pic of the PAM team before swearing in at the Peace Corps office- everyone was surprised at our ability to dress up!
Here we are again after swearing in~Official Volunteers!!! The whole team from field based training is in the photo, including the spanish teachers and the two old and wise volunteers who helped us during training. (If you look closely, I have an odd grin on my face as I had just realized i had black bean in my teeth).
A cool pic of some of the guys jumping into the pool at the ambassador's house. We spent the afternoon there after swearing in, swimming, playing volleyball, and enjoying eachother's company before shipping off to all corners of Honduras. His house is gourgeous but unfortunately he wasn't there to hang with us. He's a cool guy though; at swearing in he told us that he thinks the Peace Corps is the US governments best organization!
A pretty view of Tegucigalpa on the bus ride back!
The PAM drinking team the night of swearing in-we definitely needed to celebrate!
My little host brother! This was on his first birthday! He's pretty cute and i spend a lot of time hanging out with him-he can kinda say my name now ("icia") which is cool.
I had some more photos of my new family and of my site but for some reason they don't want to download. So they will have to wait until next time. And there will be a next time soon!
But i gotta go now to catch my bus back to site-which is incredibly muddy and rainy and slightly cold (i never expected Honduras to be cold!). Hope everyone has a happy turkey day-i will really be missing the states next thursday!
Hasta Pronto!