So I´ve decided (a belated New Years Resolution) to do a better job with this whole blog thing. Especially for pictures since sending them via email doesn´t always work-sorry if I clogged up anyone´s inbox. So this is just alittle view into my life recently. I´m really going to try and do this more-maybe twice a month?
This is a picture of the banana bunch that was chopped down out of my yard. Despite my best efforts (eating them every five minutes, giving them away, etc.) I could finish the whole bunch before it went bad. There´s another one about to ripen in my year, which I´m excited about! I love all the fresh fruit and veggies here. The other day i bought 15 tomatos for 5 lempiras which is like 10 cents. It´s great. And the papayas are in season as well as the pineapple. And mango season is starting soon which I´m really excited about!
And if you look closely you can see the giant spider on the wall next to the bunch-that´s pretty average pic of my fellow inhabitants. Gross i know but i´m getting used to it. And the spiders are better than the scorpions.
So these are pine needle baskets that my host grandmother makes and for which Í´ve just found a market. So I´m going to be sending them to Copan to this great shop where they will be sold to willing gringos and other travelers bringing dolares.
If anyone would like one, I will be bringing some back in May for my brother´s wedding and would be happy to take an order.
My host cousins-Ronald, Norman y Dariana. They are pretty cute. And it´s impossible to take just one picture of kids here. I have five pictures of these three in different poses just from one day. The kids here are great!
A Sunset picture from my front yard.
And this is a picture of my rose! When my parents came, I convinced them to stop a nursery to by flowers for my yard. And the rose took off right away! I don´t have a green thumb but i didn´t kill it which is great (and also speaks to the great soil here in Honduras)!
PLAYER OF THE GAME!! Silly the annual meeting for all PAM volunteers here in Honduras, we got a little carried away with our after hours´games.
A beautiful view from a hike we took during this meeting! In it, you can see Lago Yajoa, the biggest lake here in Honduras. The picture at the top of the page is also from the same hike about fifteen minutes after this one was taken-the weather here is crazy but without it, there wouldn´t be the great green forests!
Another pretty view of the lake!
A picture of all the hikers/PAMers.
The treat at the end of the hike! This beautiful waterfall! One of the guys went swimming in the crystal clear pool at the bottom.
This is a silly picture of my friend Bryce, being stupid and hungover in the grocery store.
Something one would only see in Honduras-a VW bug hauling fire wood and gas on top of the car. I just had to take a picture. This was taken as I was sitting by the side of the road waiting for a bus to come-I spend a lot of time waiting for buses and on buses.
And lastly a pitcure of myself-my friend cut my hair and gave me bangs, which I like. It´s nice to have something new!
OK all done! Hope everyone is well and healthy (thankfully I´ve been really healthy lately-knock on wood!). Hopefully there will be lots more entries coming your way, so keep checking!
Besos para todos!