This is a picture outside my bedroom window-I think there are other houses down there but all I see are the banana plants.
This is mi casa-it´s down a little path off the main road. The clothes on the line aren´t mine, but let me tell you-washing clothes in a pila is hard work!
These are all the staff members at the training center-they are all Hondurans and are all very kind-clearly looking out for our well being!
These are some of the guy trainees (we only have a few more and five of them are married-as i said before, the ratio isn´t in the girls favor), and Shirley, my friend who ended up leaving Saturday. Actually three more people have left, including the 74 year old guy. It´s sad to lose people from the group but i guess they needed to do what they felt was right.
These are some of the ladies-I´m there in the middle with a peace sign!
This is Bryce and Rachel in the back of the pickup truck we took in La Tigra. We left Santa Lucia around 7:30 Sunday morning, walking 2.5 km down to the main bus stop. There we had to wait 50 min for our bus that would take us to San Juancito, the little town at the base of the park. Once there, we hired a guy to take us up the hill to the entrance to the park-the other group didn´t know about this ride up and they spent two hours walking up the really steep hill (it was definitely worth the 200 Lempiras=10 bucks for all of us).
San Juancito from the back of the pickup truck
A pícture of the group minus me (Kyler,Rachel, Bryce and Dan)
A cool picture of the dense cloud forest we were walking through.
A really cool big tree we saw along the trail and of which we all took like 10 pictures.
A cool lizard we saw on the way down...don´t know what it is called but it´s pretty!
Pretty views of the valley.
This is a view from our local coffee looks over the valley and you can see the lights of Tegucigalpa at night! Definitely more picturesque than any Starbucks I´ve ever been to.
Ok that´s it for takes forever to download the pictures at this place, so next time i won´t do it all in bulk. Not much other news-I went to Tegucigalpa this week for a visit to the market with my spanish class. It´s a pretty insane town with lots of traffic and even more people.
I gotta go now since it´s getting dark and I have tarea for tomorrow!
Hey Alicia!
Pete and I are having a great time in Italy, which includes checking your blog from time to time for the latest updates! We love the photos; it looks like you're having a lot of fun. Glad you're hanging in there. Send us an e-mail when you get a chance.
We'll drink a glass of wine in your honour this evening!
Sinead & Pete
I would love to know why your friends quit. Did they say anything to you?
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