So while I have a minute waiting for the doctor's to see me (I have some weird allergy/ rash...what's new) I thought I would put some pictures up here from my holiday season. I went to visit friends and then went to the North Coast-Honduras' little bit of heaven situated right on the Caribbean sea!
So work is slowly plodding along-it's coffee season right now which means it's rainy and cold and town is pretty much deserted during the day as the people are all out in the coffee farms picking the coffee berries. But I'm working on another solar panel grant with my counterpart. We need enough energy to power a technological classroom (about ten computers, printers, etc. and an antenna for internet!!!). And my women's group is doing really well. We had the artesania fair, which went really well. We didn't sell as much as expected but the women learned what did sell well (and now are focusing on producing that) and learned all about sales. And I got some fantastic jewelry for myself (a birthday present to me!!).
So while I have time, I'll breifly describe the photos. This is all the delicious food we made on Christmas Eve. We took it up to this hill overlooking the town for a sunset watching feast. It was really nice, except we only brought one headlamp for the walk down the mountain and thus I took quite a tumble (literally rolled down the mountain).
And here are some shots of me and the ladies!
And here's my friend in front of the oldest bridge in town. It's named after an American President-can you guess which one??
And this is that same friend-Nicole-dealing with the chicken we later cooked in the toaster oven. We had to do all the cooking either in a toaster oven or on a two burner stove. It was quite amazing what we actually accomplished.
And here's all the girls out on the town at the local Karoke Bar. I think we ended up singing some Beyonce and SeanPaul-it didn't go over very well but everyone laughed at the silly gringas.
And here we are in a really cool little town near the El Salvador border-everywhere is painted with these amazing paintings.
And this is us out on New Years in Tela!
And this is the beautiful!!!! caribbean ocean off the coast of Tela. There are all sorts of little Keys out there and we took a day trip out to a private island! I wish I could have a private island! There were pristine beaches, cool shells and coral, and amazing snorkeling. Definitely made me want to get my scuba certification-something I plan to do this spring!
And here's me with some of my other lovely lady friends-Laura and Rachel.
And some gorgeous sunsets! I wanna go back!!!!!!!!!!!
So that's the abbreviated update on my life. Hopefully this allergy will clear up and I can go back to site and see my puppy. Who happens to be in heat, which is probably one of the worst things to deal with (dogs fighting all around my house, keeping lola under house arrest, and the sinking feeling that despite all my efforts she's probably pregnant!). Hopefully everyone had as an amazing holiady season as I did. Now that I have less than a year left, I'm really trying to get out and see every part of the country. Although that's tricky, seeing how now is when I have the most work. But everything is definitely worth it!
Besos para todos!
PS come visit Honduras!!!
there is one interesting pics.. keke
Why do you think shes preggers? You can check to see if she has nipples...
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