So about my life-I've actually been really busy lately. I have several things going on which makes the time go by quicker. My biggest project is still hydropower-right now we're working on writing the grant. We're also trying to take a field trip to another community to see hydropower plant in action-exciting!! We also have to do a survey of the whole community-basically counting all the houses and collecting all the identification numbers of the people. There are officially 601 people in San Marcos, counting myself (that number has actually probably gone up since it seems the women here are always pregnant). So below is a picture of us women making the trip around town counting people.
That's my mountain in the backdrop. It's been super rainy lately and I haven't seen the top of the mountain in ages. Actually, Honduras has been hit pretty badly recently by some tropical storms. Fortunately, the worst thing in my town was the overwhelming amount of mud, but in other places, there were landslides, deaths, and the loss of crops. People are still recovering.
This is a nice shot of the rainbow after the rain over my neighbor's tin roof.
So back to work...I also helped the school build some EcoFogones (wood burning stoves that are made more ecological by putting in tiles so they heat up better and thus require less wood). I actually did this with some trainees that came to visit me. It was nice-having something to do while I was there so I didn't seem like a total slacker. So here's the finished product.
And I've been working with my women's group, Mujeres de Valor, to produce crafts that they can then sell either in Guaimaca, or in Tegucigalpa. So far we've learned how to crochet hats and bags, and weave hammocks. And I've been planning an Artisan fair at the embassy where Peace Corps volunteers will take their women's group to sell their product. We're inviting all the owners of local souvenir shops so hopefully the women will be able to find a permanent place to sell their wears.
And I've been experiencing the cultural wonders of Honduras, and more specifically San Marcos. At the beginning of September we had our feria (Feria Infantil-Creciendo Feliz), which was about five days of celebrating the children of the town. We had games every day and yummy food. Good Times!
There was also a costume competition for the town's pets and being the good citizen that I am, I dressed Lola up (I guess she was dressed up as me, since she wore my clothing). She won third place!!
People also dressed in traditional clothing and put on performances. The dancers are from Guaimaca and were actually quite good.
These lovely ladies are the contestants in the beauty competition and they had to dressup like indias! It was pretty cute.
And I've been doing some traveling! Went to Guatemala with my brother and it was lots of fun. We went to Tikal (the Mayan ruins) and they were amazing!
I've been pretty healthy too. Just another round of Dengue when I got back from Guatemala (at least I think it was dengue, it's hard to diagnose, but I had something that made me feel pretty horrible). I got stung by a scorpion-it was on a blanket I gathered up (I later found it and smashed it, pictured below).
And here are some pictures of my dog, Lovely/Loca Lola. The first she's with her boyfriend, a local dog she loves to play with. And the second is her in the house-she sleeps in a really weird position!
And these are of my favorite little kid, Rasel. He's gotten to the age when he loves to pose for photographs-it's pretty cute!.
So that's my life. I actually just got back from Halloween in Copan Ruinas and have some awesome pictures of that, but without my cord to connect my camera I'll have to wait for another day. I really will try this time!
Hope all is well-take care!
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